Gingerbread House Decorating Workshop

  • 12/10/2022
  • 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM (EST)
  • Mt. Hollis Lodge, 657 Washington St., Holliston, MA 01746
  • 37


  • Purchase a Gingerbread House for a family in need.

Registration is closed

The Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors and co-hosts Mount Hollis Lodge are happy to announce that the Gingerbread House Decorating Workshop is back in person!

Tickets include the gingerbread house and all the candy you can fit on it!

Seatings are 11am- 12pm; 12:30pm – 1:30pmCost is $50 per house and multiple people can work on one house. Walk-ins welcome!

Can't make the event but want to help - donate a Gingerbread House to the Holliston Pantry Shelf to add some fun to a deserving family's holiday or pickup a house and candy between 10:30am & 1pm to work on at home.

For any questions, contact Amy Forman ( or Debbie Colburn (

Proceeds benefit the HNN Community Grant Fund which gives back to the community. These funds have helped support the Holliston Parks & Rec Summer Concerts, Holliston Public Library Museum Passes, Holliston Police & Fire Departments, Holliston in Bloom, Holliston Community Farm and many others.

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