Dear Members,
HNN kicks off the summer with our annual Touch a Truck Fundraising Event on June 17th! This year, we have so many food trucks that we're now calling it the Touch a Truck Fundraising and Food Truck Festival! So, bring both your kids and your appetite for a great family day at the Placentino Elementary School from 10-2 p.m. Not only that, but we scored the kid-popular DJ Ooch to spin some music while your kids explore the trucks and you relax in the sun with an ice cream. If you're free for all or just part of the day, please consider volunteering the day of the event. A call for volunteers will go out shortly. It's a fun day to get to know other club members. And, if you plan to attend, tell your friends and extended family to meet you there!
On a different note, please fill out the member survey that was emailed recently. HNN wants to bring back some of our staple activities that waned after COVID, including children's activities and playgroups. But if you want more, then we need to hear from you. We'd love to get your feedback!
Lastly, this may be the last newsletter for the summer, but HNN is already preparing for the Fall season. Thus, mark your calendars for a Comedy Night Show on November 2nd at Anthony's on the Green. We'll likely start selling tickets in late August, so keep your eyes open for the Facebook and email announcements. I can't wait!
Jennifer Mott