Happy Fall! We hope you will join us for our October Book Club, when we meet on Wednesday, October 18, at 7:30 p.m., to discuss The Woman in the Library by Sulari Gentill. Please don't feel that you shouldn't attend if you haven't finished (or even started) the book—Book Club is mainly an opportunity for old and new friends to get together and chat and snack. All are welcome—we would love to have some new members join our group.
We are looking for a host house for this meeting. We hold most meetings in person but also have a Zoom option if you can't attend. Please contact Debbie if you are interested in hosting our October or future meetings. We typically meet on the third Wednesday of the month (but take the month of December off).
The Holliston Public Library reserves several copies of each book for us—they can be found (typically about a month ahead of each meeting) on the shelves along the windows on the right as you enter the library. For those who want to get a head start on next month, our November book will be Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng.
Robin & Debbie
Book Club Co-Chairs