Message from the President

02/02/2025 3:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

We're in the heart of Winter, so it's time to connect and engage in some cozy HNN social activities!  Specifically, on Feb. 7th we'll be meeting at La Cantina Winery in Franklin, MA for wine and small bites, details are in the member newsletter & on Facebook.  And don't forget about Book Club on Feb. 19th!  One of the easiest & coziest activities in which to participate (members welcome even if you didn't read the book).  

On that note, the HNN Board and Committee leaders strive to offer Club social activities that serve our membership, which includes young families, empty-nesters, retirees, individuals and vibrant couples.  However, our small group of leaders may not be able to offer all of the activities that you'd like to see.  So,  if you have an idea for a social activity that fits your schedule and interests, please share it with us!  We can help you make it happen. Lastly, please consider participating in other fabulous and rewarding HNN opportunities described further in this Newsletter.  

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