The HNC Book Club will take a December break and reconvene on Tuesday, January 15 at 7:30pm for a discussion of, Tell Me More: Stories about the Twelve Hardest Things I'm Learning to Say by Kelly Corrigan. Please plan to join us then, location TBD. Copies of the book will be on reserve at the library circulation desk and available for checkout mid-December.
Members are reminded that Book Club has its own Facebook page where you can stay up-to-date with current selections. In order to gain access, you must request to join. Send your request directly from the HNC page. New participants are warmly welcomed at any time.
A peek at our January book:
"Tell Me More is a funny, wise and insightful exploration of seven sentences adult life requires. With Kelly's signature candor and good will, each chapter draws from her sometimes ridiculous, sometimes profound struggles with parenting and marriage, career and friendship, illness, aging and mortality. Each chapter is animated by poignant, hilarious stories from Kelly's own life and is focused on one of seven sentences: Onward, a one-word sentence that celebrates the moment we stop raging against people and situations that will not be changed and decide to just get on with it. I Don't Know, a candid and liberating statement to help us make peace with uncertainty, unknowns and unknowables. Tell Me More, a prompt to squelch our instinct to fix, fix, fix ... and just listen. No, a mighty two-letter sentry against dangers of all sorts, including martyrdom. You Got This, an empowering message that honors, embraces and possibly multiplies personal capacity. I Was Wrong, a deep dive into how to apologize and the astonishing corrections a perfect apology can make possible. You Can Go, for the excruciating moment when it's time to say goodbye to someone you hardly think you can get through a day without"
- Provided by the publisher

Contact the Book Club Co-Chairs with any questions:
Cindy Carr:
Sue Hatton: