The Ladies Escapes group is happy to announce its very last event of the year, a Crazy Socks Exchange Party. We decided to put a fun twist on the highly popular ornament exchange and came up with the Crazy Socks Exchange. Each person will bring a pair of new, crazy, funny socks filled with small goodies and receive a pair from someone else. The price limit is $20. Pizza and drinks will be provided, and please feel free to bring a dessert to share. The party will be at Timea's house on Friday, December 14 starting at 7:30 pm. Her address will be provided upon RSVP, so please do not forget to RSVP to Timea at!
We can't wait to see you!

Crazy Socks Exchange Party
Friday, December 14, 2018 at 7:30 pm
Location: Timea's house

Contact the Ladies Escapes Co-Chairs with any questions:
Jennifer Mott:
Timea Kovacs: