Hi HNC Family,
We’ve had a fun and busy fall, and now we’re looking ahead into 2019. We still have a number of open positions that need your help, notably, two additional co-chairs for our brand new Rock ‘n’ Roll BINGO fundraiser, one more co-chair for our Princess and Superhero Party and four co-chairs for Touch-a-Truck.
Robin Bowman is bringing a fun new adult event to our town, Rock ‘n’ Roll BINGO, on Saturday, March 30th. She attended a similar event and it was a ton of fun. If you would like to put your own touch on this please reach out and partner with Robin. She’s already done a lot of the groundwork so if you’d like to gain valuable experience in event planning, here’s your chance!
The second annual Princess and Superhero Party is scheduled for Saturday, April 6th, and two of the chairs, Katrine and I, did it last year so you’ll be in good hands if you join us.
Lastly, our beloved Touch-a-Truck has been lovingly chaired by Leah, Angela and Christine the past two years and has grown in attendance and success thanks to their creative ideas and dedication. They will still be around to advise and help along the way, so if you’d like to learn more about what goes on behind the scenes please reach out and continue this fun and important event.
Please email President@hollistonnewcomers.org or HNCExecutiveBoard@gmail.com if you are interested in any of these positions. Please keep in mind, this club is only as strong as its members make it, and we have a lot of great people already running things, but need to see new faces in the mix. Why not you?
I hope you enjoy the magic of the holiday season, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Warm hugs,

Christel DiPippo, HNC President