A Message from the President

04/08/2020 10:03 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

I know that this has been a difficult month for everyone. I would like to thank those in the membership who are part of the ‘essential’ workers who are taking care of us and those around us.  Medical professionals and support staff, first responders, store and restaurant workers, IT professionals, volunteers for organizations, or just someone making meals, or trips for those who need help - the list goes on.  Know that we appreciate your efforts and dedication.
In our little world, all HNN social events were canceled as well as one of our great fundraisers - Princess & Superhero Party - scheduled for April 4th and our Easter Basket partnership with the Holliston Pantry Shelf. With a hopeful look into the future, though, we are moving forward planning Touch-A-Truck scheduled for June 14th.  But for now, the new ‘Prize A Day for the Month of May’ fundraiser was created just in the nick of time!
Stay healthy, enjoy your family and we look forward to seeing you around town in the not too distant future.

Debbie Colburn   president.hnn@gmail.com

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