• 06/02/2024 7:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We had a great discussion of our May book, Daisy Darker, among other topics. Thanks to Christel for hosting. This month we will meet on Wednesday, June 19, at 7:30 pm to discuss Why My Third Husband Will Be a Dog: The Amazing Adventures of an Ordinary Woman by Lisa Scottoline. Please don’t feel that you shouldn’t attend if you haven’t finished (or even started) the book—Book Club is mainly an opportunity for old and new friends to get together and chat and snack. All are welcome—we would love to have some new members join our group.

    We are starting our planning for next fall’s Book Club and have a few recommended titles we are considering. Feel free to bring a suggestion or two to the June meeting for books you would like to read (or have read) that you think might make good Book Club choices. Having a list of at least a few titles for the fall enables us to order books in advance and possibly secure in-demand titles.

    We hold most meetings in person but also have a Zoom option if you can’t attend. Please contact Debbie if you have any interest in hosting a meeting.

    A hilarious collection of stories from the life of the New York Times bestselling author. With her trademark wit and wisdom, Lisa Scottoline pushes past the 700-word limit of her columns, bringing out the laughter from everyday situations and sharing a treasure trove of insights along the way.

    This collection celebrates a kaleidoscope of seventy vignettes that illuminates the humorous side of life’s highs, lows, and everything in between: a braless dash to the ER, life lessons for girls from Betty and Veronica, intriguing theories on men’s most important body part and the rising antagonism against Spanx–all in one hilarious collection.

  • 05/02/2024 9:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May and June will be a busy time for HNN and its members!  First, join us for the town's 300th Anniversary Parade on May 11th.  We'd love for you to walk (or ride) with us.  If interested, sign up via the Sign-Up Genius announcement.  Next, it's our annual Touch a Truck Fundraiser & Food Truck Festival on May 18th!  This event is a blast for families, so bring your kids or volunteer with us!  Finally, join us on Sunday, June 9th for an HNN Family Day at the WooSox game in Worcester.  Tickets are $12.00 and will be available to purchase via HNN website shortly.  So, mark your calendar and be on the look-out for the announcement.

  • 05/02/2024 8:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Children's Playgroups are back on the calendar.  Come join us!

    We look forward to seeing everyone at the Holliston 300th Parade and Touch a Truck Event in May. Our next gathering is going to be on Saturday, June 1st at 3pm. Please RSVP to Jackie for details and the address. At the next event we will discuss if we want to schedule play group for July and August.

    Let's get together & play!

  • 05/02/2024 8:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We had a nice discussion of our April book, How to Be a Good Creature, among other topics. Thanks to Deb for hosting.

    This month we will meet on Wednesday, May 15, at 7:30 pm. to discuss Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney. Please don’t feel that you shouldn’t attend if you haven’t finished (or even started) the book—Book Club is mainly an opportunity for old and new friends to get together and chat and snack. All are welcome—we would love to have some new members join our group.

    It is the time of year when we start our planning for next fall’s Book Club. Feel free to bring a suggestion or two to the May meeting for books you would like to read (or have read) that you think might make good Book Club choices. Having a list of at least a couple of titles for the first few months of fall enables us to order books in advance and possibly secure in-demand titles.

    We hold most meetings in person but also have a Zoom option if you can’t attend. Please contact Debbie if you have any interest in hosting a meeting.

    Daisy Darker was born with a broken heart. Now after years of avoiding each other, Daisy Darker’s entire family is assembling for Nana’s 80th birthday party in her crumbling gothic house on a tiny tidal island. The family arrives, each of them harboring secrets. When the tide comes in, they will be cut off from the rest of the world for eight hours.

    But at the stroke of midnight, as a storm rages, Nana is found dead. And an hour later, the next family member follows…

    Trapped on an island where someone is killing them one by one, the Darkers must reckon with their present mystery as well as their past secrets, before the tide goes out and all is revealed.

  • 04/01/2024 9:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Spring has sprung and HNN is ready to enjoy it!  Our Prize a Day in the Month of May Fundraiser has started, so be on the look-out for opportunities to purchase calendars in April, then win in May!  Also Touch a Truck is scheduled for May 18th, and we'll need some volunteers to help on this super fun day!  Spring is also a time to be social, so join us for our Poker Night on April 26th and cheer us on at the 300th Anniversary Parade on May 11th.  In addition, our Club is looking ahead to some exciting events this Summer that include a Family Day at the Woo Sox on June 9th.  Ticket information will be announced soon! 

    Thank you to our fabulous HNN volunteers and committee leaders who hosted and/or managed our annual Easter Basket Drive for the Holliston Food Pantry and the recent Paint Night Social.  Both were a success!  And it was wonderful to see everyone, both new and old members, at our Open House and General Meeting last week.  We look forward to an exciting year with you! And finally a big congratulations to our 2024 Community Grant Recipients!
  • 04/01/2024 9:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Are you ready for "The Flop", "The Turn" and "The River"? Sign up now for a seat in our "no-limit" Texas Hold 'Em tournament on April 26th.

    This is a friendly tournament with players of all skill levels welcome.

    Reserving a seat is required with 10 seats maximum (5 minimum), $25 buy-in entry for a seat.

    Please plan to arrive between 6:15 - 6:45pm to get your chips and seat draw.  Dealing begins @7:00pm.

    Light snacks and drinks will be offered. RSVP

  • 04/01/2024 9:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Children's Playgroups are back on the calendar.  Come join us!

    We had another great playgroup in March and look forward to continuing the fun. Our next gathering is going to be on Saturday, April 20th at 2pm. Please RSVP for details and the address.

    Let's get together & play!

  • 04/01/2024 8:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We had a nice discussion of our March book, Black Cake; if you haven’t read it yet, I recommend it.

    This month we will meet on Wednesday, April 17, at 7:30 pm to discuss How to Be a Good Creature by Sy Montgomery. Please don’t feel that you shouldn’t attend if you haven’t finished (or even started) the book—Book Club is mainly an opportunity for old and new friends to get together and chat and snack. All are welcome—we would love to have some new members join our group.

    We hold most meetings in person but also have a Zoom option if you can’t attend. Please contact Debbie if you have any interest in hosting a meeting.

    A naturalist and adventurer discusses the personalities and quirks of thirteen animals who have profoundly affected her, exploring themes of learning to become empathetic, creating families, coping with loss, and the otherness and sameness of people and animals.

  • 03/07/2024 11:33 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our Club is getting ready for a busy Spring and Summer, and we're excited for members to get together and have some fun!  We've had a great response to our upcoming Watercolor Social in March, and our re-invigorated playgroups are bringing Holliston families together.  Keep your eyes open for announcements on another adult social event in April and a family event in June.  Details on these two events will be released soon!  For civic activities, our Club members are supporting the Holliston Food Pantry this month with our annual Easter Basket Drive.  Please see the link on our website to donate!  And one of my favorite Fundraisers is coming up... Prize a Day in the Month of May!  Learn more about this fundraiser below.  Lastly, we hope to see you at Book Club on March 20th, the book is revealed below!

  • 03/07/2024 11:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Join Us for a fun night of painting and let’s explore the art of watercolor together on Friday, March 22nd starting at 6pm. Our experienced instructor, a great art teacher and Holliston resident, Greg Lamb will guide you through creating a beautiful hydrangea painting. This class will be approximately 90 minutes and it’s $10 per person (payable at the event).

    All skill levels are welcome and all supplies are provided, but feel free to bring your own if you wish so. There are limited spaces and registration is required. We only have 6 spaces, so please RSVP as soon as you can! The address will be emailed out a few days before the event. 

    RSVP to Timea

    Hope to see you there!

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